
BWS is one of the only consulting companies that focuses solely on media weather and provides unbiased reports for clients looking to increase their overall weather presence.

With over 20 years experience working with the likes of Fox News Channel, NBC, MSNBC, NBC Weather Plus, Time Warner, Bloomberg, WSI and many network affiliates, businesses and educational corporations, Broadcast Weather Solutions has the market experience and know how to achieve results.

Media Solutions

Broadcast Weather Solutions is pleased to announce a way to dramatically improve the look and feel of your weather shows. Research has shown that an updated, cutting-edge weather show that the viewers can easily understand can drive-up ratings and increase revenue. The exclusive Broadcast Weather Analysis is specifically geared to pinpoint weather graphic problem areas and provide suggestions on how to instantaneously enhance your weather presentation. Most times this can be accomplished without any additional cost. Most news consultant groups broad-brush the weather and never really focus on the overall presentation. Why not try a program that focuses on your entire weather operation.

The Broadcast Weather Analysis Program consists of the following….

  • An Overall Weather Analysis.
  • A Presentation Analysis including forecast information, transitions, and weather content.
  • A Graphical Analysis including weather imagery, maps, logos, banners and forecast backgrounds.
  • A System Analysis including a system hardware inventory, use of all graphic systems along with suggested improvements.
  • A Show Rundown Analysis including a breakdown of graphics used in all shows, percentage of local vs. regional and national graphics and timing of the shows.
  • A Competitive Market Analysis. An un-biased head to head analysis of how your weather team, weather graphics and overall weather identity stacks up with the other stations in the market


No matter what your business, chances are the weather will pay a role. In fact, over 70% of all businesses face some sort of weather risk and about $200 billion in business losses are directly related to major weather events.
Broadcast Weather Solutions offers services, programs and solutions for 3 main business sectors to minimize the effects of weather for your business……
Corporate & Retail
Examines how weather impacts your business and what products are most affected. Reports on exactly how the weather affects your clients along with programs and solutions on how best to leverage the weather to meet your clients needs.
Whether its catastrophe modeling, claims verification, or expert testimony, BWS provides solutions and reports to meet the need of the growing risk of weather in the Insurance industry. Tap into over 20 years of experience with BWS’ exclusive Insurance Weather Analysis.
Weather is one of the largest unmanageable variables in the financial and world markets. Major weather events are becoming the biggest single factor in the market volatility. BWS can help your company and more importantly your clients ride out the storm with an expert analysis on exactly how the weather will affect the market, to what degree and any long term effects. Choose from short term (several days) to longer term (30 days or longer) reports and programs
Turn to Broadcast Weather Solutions and change the way you look at weather.

Weather Talent Analysis

Broadcast Weather Solutions is pleased to announce a way to dramatically improve the look and feel of your talent tape, weather graphics and overall weather presence. Research has shown that an updated, clean and easily understood talent tape could provide the advantage when looking to break into a higher market. The exclusive Talent Analysis will also provide specific, customized information on the weather and news industry and suggestions on how to enhance your overall weather presentation.

Most news consultants and talent agencies broad-brush the weather and never really focus on the overall presentation or help with industry information.

Broadcast Weather Solutions is one of the only consulting companies that focuses solely on weather/weather talent and provides unbiased reports for clients looking to increase their overall weather presence.

Why not try a program that focuses on your entire weather presence.

The Weather Talent Analysis Program can be tailored to fit your needs, both on a professional & cost basis. Some of the options….

  • A Talent Analysis.
  • A Presentation Analysis including forecast information, transitions, and weather content.
  • A Graphical Analysis including weather imagery, maps, logos, banners and forecast backgrounds.
  • Specific research information on the weather and news industry.
  • Guidance and consulting on how to improve your weather presence and in turn move up in market size.

School Alert Weather Service

Broadcast Weather Service is pleased to announce a less stressful, easier and more efficient way for School Districts, Colleges and Universities to deal with cancellations, delays and early dismissal this winter season. Our exclusive School Alert Weather Service is specifically geared to save you time and money with a pinpoint forecast prepared specifically for your school district.

The School Alert Service consists of the following….

  • Contact at least 24 hours before a potential storm.
  • Contact at a pre-determined time the morning of a storm or weather situation.
  • A weekly weather forecast sent by email Sunday night.
  • Service is geared specifically to your liking. Contacts can be made by phone, email, or pager. Timing can be fine-tuned as well.
  • School Districts can call Broadcast Weather Solutions at any time with weather questions or concerns
  • The service also includes forecasts for sporting events, after school activities and meetings throughout the school year.
Broadcast Weather Solutions

Broadcast Weather Solutions